
Dear Valuable Visitor of my website,

As you already know my name is George. My professional practice is overall based in both – London and Birmingham but I do travel elsewhere from time to time because of my work. Among my reasons to start developing myself in the area of psychology long time ago were not only to develop myself but also to be as much helpful as I can to the others’ wellbeing. In my work I rely not only on my continuingly developing professional knowledge and skills but also on my international experience and personal traits – honesty, positive attitude and benevolence. I believe the only way to increase our internal potential and therefore to achieve our best results is when we unique, individual direction shown by our heart, soul and intuition – all in one. Nobody else can tell us what way to choose or to push on it, nobody else can decide instead of us. This is our life and the only cornerstones in it are emotions and feelings – ours and others’. Everyone of us has our tough moments, it is crucial to keep our optimism and trust so to go through those stronger and wiser than we previously were. I love my job as it gives me a lot of reasons to be satisfied by my work  giving a lot of respect and meaning in life.

Thank you for being a visitor of my small space here in Internet. I would love to hear from you .

Please feel free to drop me a line with your comments, opinions or specific question.


Warm regards,


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